
My work has followed parallel paths in the fine arts and publishing fields. With the idea of the book often central to my practice, I can explore multiple end results emanating from each concept—sculptural artist’s books can be taken off the page to become mixed media constructions or installations; limited editions can be teased into conventionally published, albeit offbeat books.

Incorporating elements of my own writing as well as appropriated text with found images and materials, my work explores a variety of social issues including women’s roles, culturally sanctioned bias, animal advocacy, and the personal becoming political.

Melding modern technology with age-old objects and traditional materials, and adding a liberal dose of irony, my work seeks to invite my audience to engage with me on the issues  that I find most fascinating.

My work has been shown nationally in museums, galleries, and alternative art spaces, including: Wichita Art Museum, Suffolk Museum (VA), ARC Gallery (Chicago), Purdue University, Duke University, Everson Museum (Syracuse, NY) Pyramid Atlantic Art Center (Silver Spring, MD), The Animal Museum (LA) and many others. My work is in public collections, including the New York Public Library Collection of Prints and Drawings, Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art (SUNY New Paltz), Weatherspoon Art Museum (NC), and others.

My artist’s books are housed in dozens collections of artists books, including those at MOMA’s library (NY), National Museum of Women in the Arts (Wash., DC), Yale University, The Library of Congress Rare Book Collection, The National Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum (London), Duke University, Skidmore College, The Arthur and Mata Jaffe Center for Book Arts at Florida Atlantic University, and many others. See a more complete listing of exhibits and collections in my CV.

A lifelong avid reader, I’ve created one of the most comprehensive sites on women’s classic literature, Literary Ladies Guide, an outgrowth of my trade book, The Literary Ladies’ Guide to the Writing Life.

I’m likely best known as the author of numerous vegetarian and vegan cookbooks, some of which are listed on TheVeganAtlas.com, my website on vegan food and living.

I live and work in the Hudson Valley region of New York State. My artist’s books are represented by Vamp and Tramp.

A permanent archive of papers detailing my career in the arts and book arts (as well as an author of visual nonfiction and bestselling vegetarian and vegan cookbooks), is housed in the Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library, at Duke University.